Imagine yourself stepping through the sands of time, entering a world where history breathes through every stone and whispers echo the stories of the past—welcome to the stage amphitheatre in Petra, Jordan. This majestic monument, carved directly into the rose-hued cliffs by the Nabataeans over 2,000 years ago, is not merely an archaeological site; it is a portal to ancient entertainment, culture, and sophistication.
On the left side, as you approach the city center, stands the Nabataean Theater, constructed in the 1st century AD. This semi-circular theater has a diameter of 95 meters and a height of 23.2 meters, with most of it carved into the rock except for the front section.
The seating area comprises 45 rows, accommodating up to 4,000 spectators. The seats are categorized into three sections horizontally: 11 rows at the bottom, 34 in the middle, and 10 at the top. They are further divided into six semi-archaeological parts by five staircases. Above the seating area, a rock-cut structure was created by repurposing a former burial ground to construct the theater.
The orchestra square is also carved into the rock, with the two side aisles roofed with stone vaults. The back wall of the theater originally had three floors adorned with niches, columns, and marble panels on the facade.